Every student is required to maintain a Discipline and Observe Code of discipline in or outside a college campus. The following is the Code of Discipline for Students of this College. Any act to indiscipline will invite disciplinary action against the delinquents.

  • Each student is required to possess his / her valid identity card and show it to the college authorities on demand. Students without identity cards may be asked to leave the college campus. Habitual offenders will be fined and strictly dealt with.
  • Ragging of any kind is legally banned. Any student found indulged in ragging will be prosecuted and expelled from college.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed in the college campus at all.
  • The use of intoxicants including smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco, pan masala and drugs are totally banned in college. Any violation of the ban will invite disciplinary action in the form of fine suspension and rustication from college.
  • Bringing Outsiders to college campus by student will be considered as violation of code of conduct, leading disciplinary action as may be considered fit by the Disciplinary Committee. However, the Parents / Guardian of a student may meet their Wards with the permission of the Principal.
  • Writing slogans on the walls, sticking bills of a student’s organization on the College campus. putting private notice on the Notice Board without permission, writing obscene remarks on the black boards, walls or furniture of the college is strictly prohibited. Any student found indulging in these activities will be finished, suspended or expelled from the college.
  • The Code of Discipline requires security and maintenance of college property by students. Any one causing damage to the college property, its furniture, electric / tubes etc. will be required to pay for the damages caused as well as the special fine can also be imposed. Students are not allowed to take any chair / bench out of the class rooms for sitting in the porch without permission from the college authorities.
  • Rioting, slogan shouting, eve-teasing, misbehavior with fellow students, teachers & non-teaching staff are considered a serious act of indiscipline. The delinquents are influenced to disciplinary action.
  • Any other act that is considered unbecoming of students by the Discipline Committee will be treated as violation of code of conduct and disciplinary action will be taken against such students.
  • Aimlessly loitering in the porches / corridors in the free period, sitting on the railing in front of the class rooms / 1Library area, attempts to disturb classes are viewed seriously. Any violation will entail disciplinary action.
  • Students are not allowed to take any chair / bench out of the class rooms for sitting in the porch without permission from the college authorities.

Contact Address

    • dummyGovt Arya Degree College, Nurpur, Distt Kangra (H.P)

    • http://www.gadcnurpur.edu.in

    • nurpurcollegeprincipal@gmail.com

    • 01893 – 292141
