Rovers & Rangers:

The Bharat Scouts & Guides is a registered Society under Societies Registration Act. It is a voluntary, non-political and secular organization. The college has two units of this organization. Ms. Kiran Bala, Assistant Prof. (Commerce) and Dr. Rohit Kumar, Assistant Prof. (Political Science) are in-charges of Rovers and Rangers units of the College, respectively. On the onset of the current academic session, 15 Rovers and 15 Rangers were enrolled.

  • Plantation drive was carried out by 30 Rovers & Rangers on dated 28/ September /2023.
  • International risk reduction day was celebrated on dated 13/ October /2023.
  • One day event on disaster risk management was held on 22th November, 2023 at GADC Nurpur and NDRF personal trained the students regarding any kind of disaster and first aid.
  • An Online webinar was organised by the Rovers & Ranger Units on the occasion of International Women day in which Dr. Chander Lekha Dadwal (former Professor and renowned poet) was the key speaker.
  • Abhishek of B.A. 1st Year was declared the best Rover; and Ms. Shivalika Sen of B.A. 2nd Year was declared best Ranger.


Contact Address

    • dummyGovt Arya Degree College, Nurpur, Distt Kangra (H.P)

    • http://www.gadcnurpur.edu.in

    • nurpurcollegeprincipal@gmail.com

    • 01893 – 292141
